Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening whatever time you are reading this. Back in October I resigned from a job to go to another job then ended up resigning 2 months in (the grass is not always greener in the other side). It was another job that was in the social service field, with the same population- mentally ill, with a history of homelessness, substance users, a history of incarcerations and sexual offenders.. sounds scary doesn't it. At first you will be overwhelmed with work, notes, service plans, providers, sessions, supervisors on your ass Anyways I went from Weston United Community Renewal Inc (they are still holding the Healthcare Worker Bonus even though you properly resigned and are eligible, may god be with them) to BRC (RUN while you still can micromanagement to it's finest!!) Now I decided to work at .... well let's not name the company. Enough of the work mambo jambo it's already tiring talking about how any jobs I resigned from (GREAT RESIGNER). Have you ever heard of "New Year, New Me" all the damn time how 'bout "New Year Same Me", because that is is exactly what I am going to be just a better version of myself and try for the love of food and drinks, to do that healthier because babyyyyyy I am weighing a weight so grand that I am determined for the past two months (on & off) to take it off. My boyfriend as well has put on some weight lol but I love him just the way he is.. cranky ass lmao. We are the grumpiest, crankiest but happy couple. That's about the most everyone will know about my relationship for the rest of this blog, I like to keep personal things private as people are very idk weird lol.
That's the Rockefeller tree from a distance & I. My boyfriend is behind me taking other pictures.
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