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Showing posts from April, 2022

The overnight shift

 I've been working and raging about quitting at this transitional site for 2 years, 2 months, and 22 days now. This is literally the first time that I volunteered to work the overnight shift. This is LITERALLY the first god damn time I volunteered to work the overnight shift 😭. I don't feel sleepy because I brewed a pot of coffee in the downstairs office however, I am PANICKING. Ever since I got back from Maternity Leave about 3 to 4 clients died back to back and the crazy thing is that I feel their spirits are roaming in the building. No other staff member is working with me this overnight shift, I'm doing single coverage. SO far SO good the clients are quiet, there are a few that go in and out the building, I make sure that the offices are closed and that I have the master key with me at all times. I miss my baby girl and my boyfriend. Will I do another overnight shift? We will never know. Tune in on the next blog lol (maybe I'll write later because I have nothing el...

Two years and some change later

 I'm back!!! From a log break of writing in my blog. It's true when people say alot can happen in one year, they were not lying 😭. First off, I gain a few pounds (a lot) I'm thickums (too damn fat lmao) well because I had a beautiful baby girl. Pregnancy was a bitch, I got huge by the end of it.. so much for that "pregnancy glow" more like pregnancy nose because it grew too! Anyways, the first few months of pregnancy my belly started to form, it was so cute and my hips started to get bigger and the rest of the parts that get big. Then the mid months kicked in.. my feet began to get swollen.. my nose... my patience was at zero with all my clients (it still is, I'm a case manager still at a transitonal houaing program and that's another story for next time) then the doctors appointments.. the sonograms.. the scares... then towards the end I was about 300 lbs but my baby girl came out beautiful and healthy, she was worth it and she is worth. I'm still wi...